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June 25, 2024

Home Maintenance That Can Save You on Insurance

Homeowners insurance is essential for financially protecting your investment but can be costly. Luckily, there are ways to reduce premiums. Understanding how your home’s condition can impact insurance costs and implementing preventive measures can help keep your home in excellent shape while potentially reducing risk. The Impact of Home Condition on Insurance Premiums The condition […]
April 19, 2024

Do I Need Earthquake Insurance? 

Earthquakes can wreak havoc on homes and communities in a matter of seconds. The devastation they leave behind can be not only emotionally and physically taxing but also financially burdensome. The question often arises in regions prone to seismic activity—do I need earthquake insurance? Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Earthquakes? Many homeowners mistakenly assume that their […]
September 29, 2022

The Add-Ons Commercial Drivers Need on their Auto Insurance

Owning or operating vehicles for business purposes means investing in commercial auto insurance. The policy will offer you numerous benefits to help you cover the costs related to vehicle damage, accident lawsuits, injuries and similar vehicle hazards.  However, at times, you’ll want to add other coverages to your policy. While optional, these policy add-ons will […]
August 9, 2022

3 Ways to Reduce Renters Insurance Rates

Renters insurance provides you with financial protection. It is generally an inexpensive way to gain protection of your contents and to reduce liability costs if you are sued. Nevertheless, there are several steps you can take to reduce how much you spend on this insurance. If you are a renter or considering becoming one, don’t […]
July 22, 2022

8 Things to Look for When Buying a New Home

There’s an excitement that comes with buying a new home, but the task also comes with responsibility and big decisions. Do your homework to make sure you’re getting a quality house that’s less likely to require costly repairs in the near future. It’s always a good idea to get a professional inspection done before signing […]
June 20, 2022

What Is Supplemental Life Insurance?

Supplemental life insurance is a type of additional life insurance. This type of insurance policy is not meant to replace a solid term life insurance policy. However, supplemental life insurance will give your loved ones additional coverage in the event that you pass away. You can get supplemental life insurance privately or through your employer. […]
May 6, 2022

Does Car Insurance Cover Flat Tires?

Your car needs four wheels to be able to run properly. So, if you ever experience a flat or damaged tire, chances are you are not going to be able to go where you want to go. Not only can flat tires be expensive, but they can also be dangerous if you experience a blowout […]
April 12, 2022

Don’t Let Termites Destroy Your Home

You have probably seen the commercials of a giant termite and his friends eating away at the wood in a home. While the size of the termites on those commercials is exaggerated, the damage isn’t. Those little wood-eating bugs can cause a tremendous amount of damage to both your home and your bank account.   […]
March 11, 2022

3 Times You Might Need Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance isn’t always the first choice for many individuals or business professionals, but it should not be overlooked. Many people don’t realize the value it can offer in everyday life. This type of insurance provides more coverage than a traditional auto, home or business insurance plan does. This makes it very valuable in cases […]
February 9, 2022

The Costs of Group Health Insurance

Businesses and employers across the country offer health insurance plans to their employees. Most often, these are group plans, with aspects and costs managed by both employer and employee. Employees often find these plans convenient for their needs through the fact that t they offer competitive medical care costs for entire families. However, in most […]

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